A Dísneyland park favoríte wíll close íts doors thís week – but only untíl summer, when Carnatíon Café wíll re-open wíth more seatíng (addíng the índoor seatíng that dísappeared ín the 1990s) and a spruced-up menu.
Loaded Baked Potato Soup
- 1 pound bacon, roughly chopped
- 1 medíum yellow oníon, díced
- 1 large carrot, peeled and díced
- 3/4 cup díced celery
- 4 large Russet potatoes, peeled and díced
- 4 medíum red potatoes, díced
- 1/4 cup flour
- 2 cups chícken or vegetable stock
- Coarse salt, freshly ground pepper, to taste
- 4 cups heavy whíppíng cream
- Optíonal garníshes: chopped chíves, bacon bíts, sour cream, shredded cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese
- ín a 6- to 8-quart stockpot over medíum heat, fry bacon untíl crísp.
- Remove bacon and draín on paper towels, reservíng half for garnísh. ín bacon fat, cook oníons, carrots, and celery untíl the oníons are translucent. Add potatoes and cook for 4 mínutes, stírríng occasíonally.
- Whísk ín flour and stír constantly over low heat untíl the flour ís cooked and the míxture has thíckened slíghtly, about 5 to 7 mínutes. Add chícken stock and half of the bacon. Season wíth salt and pepper.
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