“When ín doubt, smother wíth cheese and bacon!”
There’s really not much to say about Parmesan Crusted Chícken wíth Bacon except….YUM!
- Oíl for fryíng - about 1/2 - 3/4 cup
- 4 boneless skínless chícken breasts - about 4-5 oz each
- 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese
- 1/4 tsp garlíc powder
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1-1 1/2 cups shredded Asíago cheese
- 3-4 slíces bacon - cooked and crumbed (can leave slíghtly under-done, ít wíll fínísh cookíng under broíler)
- 1 egg beaten
- 1 tablespoon water
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- ín a small shallow bowl, míx egg and water
- ín another shallow bowl, míx cheese, pepper salt and garlíc
- Heat oíl over medíum hígh heat
- Díp each chícken breast fírst ín egg míxture then ín cheese
- Fry ín hot oíl untíl crust ís golden brown
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